Wings Fund

Friday, March 14, 2014

Offical Relaunch! Arooga's Visit #1

Well, I'm finally back! So, this iteration of "Wings Of York" is going to be a little different from my first concept. You may recall that my initial plan was to see how many wings I could eat and how many different sauces I could try in the span of a year. Well, that obviously didn't pan out. So this go around I'm going to focus more on quality over quantity. Will I be eating a lot wings? Very likely. Will I try a variety of sauces? You better believe it. But I will do my best not to overdo it. I am trying to manage my weight and diabetes after all.

OK, enough boring preamble. Let's get down to business!

I figured the best way to relaunch the blog was to visit the same place that started this blog in the first place, Arooga's - my favorite local wing place! Monday nights they offer All You Can Eat Wings and I decided to take advantage of this special a couple of weeks ago. Here's what I had.


Flavor Description From the Menu: Creamy hot sauce with cayenne pepper and spices

This has easily become my favorite sauce at Arooga's since I first tried it over a year ago. The flavor and amount of spice in this sauce are both fantastic! Not overpowering in any way at all. I would recommend it to anyone interesting in trying something new in terms of wing sauces.


This sauce didn't have an official description in the menu since it was the sauce of the month for February. I tried it last year when they first offered it because I thought it was an interesting idea for a sauce. So, a year later, I decided to try it again when I saw it was on the menu. This was a very delicious sauce, perfect combination of sweet and spicy. I would love to see it be added to the menu permanently.


Flavor Description From the Menu: Spicy, tangy, sweet Thai sauce

Yeah, I'm sure most people have heard of Sriracha and are aware it's one of the most recent flavor trends. I've never really tried the sauce before so I figured this was as good a starting point as any. Honestly, it really didn't do much for me. The tang of the sauce was a little overwhelming to me, and that was what put me off most. I don't mind a tangy flavored sauce, but if it's too tangy it ruins it for me. A rare misfire on this sauce, I don't think I'll revisit it in the future.

That's all for this post signifying the return of Wings Of York. Thank you for coming back and I hope you'll continue to revisit the blog and read about the great wings that we have access to here in York!

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